NCTE Member Gatherings
Ongoing (check website for details)
Location: Online
NCTE Member Gatherings take place online and provide an opportunity for NCTE members to discuss and learn new ideas.
Visit the NCTE website for more information or to register.
ISLA 2021: Be a Literacy Changemaker
September 18, 2021
Location: Online
Register now for the ISLA 2021 Annual Conference, which will be a half-day online. For more information or to register, visit https://isla2021.sched.com/
NCTE 2021
November 18 - 21, 2021
Location: Hybrid (Online and Louisville)
Theme: Equity, Justice, and Anti-Racist Teaching
Visit the NCTE site for more information and to register.
Further your professional growth and join ELA and literacy educators from Indiana and beyond by taking part in professional development! Click on the links and images below for more information.
Each month, NCTE hosts a one-hour Twitter chat for participants to share questions and ideas on teaching English. Take part in the conversation and connect with teachers near and far! Chats typically take place on the third Sunday of each month.
Topics and hosts are announced at the start of each month.

Monthly #NCTEchat
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