As the student population becomes increasingly diverse, the country as a whole, and Indiana in particular, needs teachers of color. In Indiana, 34% of the student population are students of color (Indiana Department of Education), but only 4.8% of Indiana’s public school teachers are teachers of color (National Center for Education Statistics). Numerous studies have shown that this lack of diversity in the teaching profession can have a profound and damaging effect on students of color, and the need for teachers of color has become more pronounced as topics of diversity have become the target of intense opposition by a vocal minority in the United States.
In order to support current and future teachers of color, the Indiana Council of Teachers of English has established the ICTE Teachers for the Dream initiative, which will provide financial support for one prospective and one current English language arts teacher of color for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Recipients will receive:
A one-year membership to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
A $300 stipend to support professional development of their choosing
Complementary registration to the ICTE 2024 Annual Conference
Recipients will be asked to:
Write a follow-up on their experiences for the ICTE newsletter
Present, with the support of the ICTE Teachers for the Dream committee, a reserved session at an ICTE event
Attend meetings of the ICTE Executive Committee to share their insights and learn more about the affiliate
Applicants must be an English language arts teacher or professor of color at a school located in Indiana or must be a student enrolled in a teacher preparation program at a college or university located in Indiana.
Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2024 and recipients will be notified in January.
Please direct any questions to the ICTE Teachers for the Dream committee chair Terri Suico (tsuico@saintmarys.edu).
Click here to apply!