Welcome to the ICTE!​
The Indiana Council of Teachers of English (ICTE) is the state affiliate for the National Council of Teachers of English. Our focus is to support the professional growth and work of all English teachers at all levels in Indiana. As an affiliate of the NCTE, we are also committed to supporting NCTE's mission to promote:
"The development of literacy, the use of language to construct personal and public worlds and to achieve full participation in society, through the learning and teaching of English and the related arts and sciences of language."
We invite all English and literacy teachers, advocates, and supporters to join us as we promote the vital work of helping students grow as readers inside and outside of the classroom.​
The objectives of the ICTE are:
To support the professional growth of English teachers in Indiana.
To increase the effectiveness of the teaching of English in Indiana.
To bring about coordination of Indiana's professional organizations of ELA teachers.
To further the association between the ICTE and the NCTE.​
The ICTE Executive Board

President - Nikia Garland

Membership Director - Ben Lathrop

Pre-Service Teacher Liaison - Bella Deaton

Middle School Chair - Blake Mellencamp

Past-President - Chris Judson

First President / Advisor to the Board - Laura Gellin